Monday, July 26, 2010

a moment of thought

I found the reason for me

To change who I used to be

A reason to start over new

And the reason is YOU.

Salam ‘alaikum. Salam buat semua.

Yeah, we all change. All of us. For better or for worse.

Persoalannya, apa penyebab kita berubah?

Ya, semua orang ada turning point in their life. It may come early, or late in life.

Doesn’t matter. Pokoknya, berubah.

Kenapa perlu berubah?

The question should be, kenapa tidak?

Kalau perubahan tu, membawa kepada kebaikan, go ahead. Kan?

Cuma jangan lupa, baby steps. Kenapa?

Sebab kita kena ingat, Allah tak kan jemu dengan ibadah kita, amal kita, perubahan kita. Tapi takut kita yang jemu. Takut kita yang tak mampu nak keep up with the change we started. Akhirnya, give up.

Dalam salah satu buku yang saya baru baca, Denyut Kasih Medik, karakter utama, Dr Muslih, apabila nampak kawan dia nak berubah kearah kebaikan, hati dia sangat curious. Tapi dia decide untuk matikan curiosity dia, instead of nurturing it. Dia tak tanya penyebab perubahan sahabat dia, despite his curiosity. Kenapa? Kerana takut tercalar hati sahabat dia, and seterusnya terus tak jadi berubah. Sangat halus ukhuwwah mereka.

Buku lain yang saya baca, Versus, memang the whole book is dedicated to changes. Kenapa versus? Sebab karakter tu perlu melawan diri sendiri. Bukan orang lain.

Yes, the hardest battle is the battle against yourself.

Change is not a crime, as long as it is for the better.

Change is hard, true, but not impossible. But do you know what is harder than change?

To keep up with the changes you’ve made.

Bukan senang nak ubah apa yang dah jadi sebati dengan diri kita. Bukan senang nak ubah apa yang selama ni makan mandi tidur kita.

We will always need help to change. Kalau tak ada siapa yang sudi hulurkan tangan, don’t worry, kita ada Dia. Penyebab perubahan kita.

Kalau kita sandarkan perubahan kita kepada Dia, kerana Dia, maka berdoalah supaya Dia membantu kita.

Tak cukup lagi ke bukti-bukti yang Dia dah bagi untuk menunjukkan bahawa sesungguhnya Dia mencintai kita? Jadi, salah ke kalau kita korbankan kepentingan diri kita, kemahuan dan nafsu kita, untuk buktikan kembali pada Dia, yang kita juga turut mencintai Dia?

Hidup ini sangat sukar, jika tak dihiasi dengan iman.

Cinta perlukan pengorbanan. Tiada cinta tanpa pengorbanan.

ps: I miss anatomy =_=”


Oh cuti!

Salam ‘alaikum. Salam for all.

Alhamdulillah. Masih lagi aman damai makmur bahagia berada di bumi Malaysia.

Well, encik internet masih tak nak attach dengan saya, unfortunately.

So most of my posts are delayed. Takpe2.

Lebih seminggu di Malaysia, membuat saya tertanya-tanya. Apa perubahan yang dah saya lakukan?

More specifically, apa kebaikan yang saya dah buat untuk ummah? Erk!

Nampak kemungkaran depan mata. Tak payah cari. Pusing mana pun nampak dan bandaraya KL ni.

Kalau kat Warsaw tu lain laa. Memang lain. Senang beza hak dan batil.

Obvious, betapa pentingnya bi'ah dalam membina karakter dan keimanan seseorang tu.

Lepas tu, peluang buat pahala datang bergolek. Tak payah cari jugak. Apa buat? Buat taktau?

Come on. Come on.

Ramadhan dah dekat. Macam dalam buku yang saya tengah baca sekarang, Sinergi, dia kata Ramadhan tu satu persinggahan dalam perjalanan hidup kita yang hanya gurau senda ni.

Bulan Ramadhan, bulan penuh keberkatan, bulan mencari dan meraih takwa.

The question in, “apa itu takwa?”

Biasa kita dengar kisah Umar al-Khattab dengan Ka’ab bin Malik, dimana bila Umar Tanya pada Ka’ab bin Malik “Apa itu takwa?”

Jawab Ka’ab bin Malik dengan satu pertanyaan “Apakah kau pernah berjalan di satu tempat penuh duri, wahai Umar?”

Jawab Umar, “Pernah”

“Apa yang kau lakukan?”, Tanya Ka’ab bin Malik

“Aku sinsing kainku agar tidak tercarik pada duri, kemudian aku berjalan berhati-hati agar tidak terpijak dengan mana-mana duri”, jawab Umar.

“Ketahuilah Umar, bahawa itulah sebenarnya takwa”.

Takwa, menurut penerangan dalam buku tu, adalah rasa berhati-hati dantakut untuk ingkar pada apa sahaja larangan Allah.

Maka sekali lagi saya tanyakan, apa itu takwa?

Kenapa kita perlukannya? Kenapa, dalam Quran, kerap kali Allah membangkitkan perkataan takwa? Banyak. Terlalu banyak. Bukan ke, bila Allah kerap kali bangkitkan perkara tu dalam Quran, bermakna ada significant-nya perkara tu?

Sekali lagi saya tanya, apa itu takwa? Anyone?


Here’s the list of the books I have read and am reading, since I came back.

Sangat real, sangat dekat. What can i say? Thumbs up!

Ok, this one, totally unexpected! New insights. Banyak persoalan terjawab. Doktor muslim atau muslim yang jadi doktor? Sila baca.

Yang ni, no comment. =p

Really like this one too. Bacalah kalau sanggup nak jadi doc. Haha. Kalau nak jadi patient pun, sesuai gak baca. It shows how docs and patients are exactly like what ukhuwwah is about; saling lengkap-melengkapi.

Like Terasing, it's about ukhuwwah. Padat dengan pengisian. Tapi yang ni rasa ada kelainan sikit. =D

Seronok woo shopping buku.

One thing though, yang membuatkan saya agak tersenyum sinis semasa shopping2 buku.

When in Warsaw, pergi kedai buku, susahnya nak cari buku in English.

When in KL, pergi kedai buku, susahnya nak cari buku dalam BM.

Funny ain’t it?

Well, there’s more to be read. Best3!

Membaca jambatan ilmu. Widens your perspectives, broadens your mind, increases your knowledge =)

Apabila sesuatu itu dilakukan atas dasar iman, maka terhasillah 1+1=3.

ps: Siapa2 ada cadangan buku untuk saya baca?


Ro ro ma ma maaa

Salam ‘alaikum. Salam for all.

Rome was awesome! Fullstop.

Alhamdulillah. All praises to Him, for granting us the chance to go and travel on His earth.

“It is He Who has made the earth manageable for you, so traverse you through its tracts” [al-Mulk (67) : 15]

So. What’s so awesome about Rome?

First of all, it’s really hot there. Haha.

I like how everything’s within walking distance. Yeah, I’m sure certain people would want to kill me now.

Halal food’s easily available too.

We arrived in Rome at around 4 pm. We took a taxi to the hostel. The hostel was awesome too. It’s more like bed and breakfast. I think it was worth the money.

So we went to almost all parts of tourism-Rome.

Colosso, Roman Forum, the Piazzas, Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, makan pizza, gelato ice cream, pasta and all.

And oh yeah, Vatican too. All in a 1 day, 1 night. Cool eh?

The much-talked-about Colosseum. You know what they say, if you've never been to the Colosseum, then you've never been to Rome =)

Then, we packed, and left for Cairo, which the airport was being cruel with us by making sure the gate to our flight to Cairo sama dengan gate MAS ke KLIA. We were like, takpe2. Kejap je lagi.

And from Cairo to KL too, gate yang sama, masa sama, landing sama, baggage keluar sama2 dengan MAS to KL. Ya, kami naik Egypt Air je.

Rome was not built in one day, you know.

ps: Where’s the next stop?


Itu ini begitu begini

Salam 'alaikum. Salam buat semua.

Alhamdulillah. Dah hampir seminggu kaki dijejakkan di tanah air tercinta. Syukur.

Alhamdulillah juga, tak kena jet lag. =)

I don’t know if it’s just me, or if Malaysia is really different from when I left almost a year ago.

Agak berat saya rasa ujian kat Malaysia ni. Definitely different from Warsaw.

Hope we will all be able to cope.

Well, here are the 5 things I miss about Warsaw. Hihi.

1. 1. Kelajuan dan kekerapan metro, tram, dan bus. Hari tu naik KTM, baru perasan. Slowwwwww. Hehe. Tapi ada aircond laa kan =)

2. 2. The people asking “Nie jest goracy?” (Tak panas ke?) bila tengok kami all covered up.

3. 3. Kebab matin. Oh yeah, definitely.

4. 4. Buat2 tak faham bila orang marah2.

5. 5. Carrot Warsaw sedap. -_-“

Itulah sifat manusia.

Some things are only appreciated when they’re lost.


Ps: Barakallah Kak Izzat n Uncle. Congrats. Congrats! Semoga dapat membina baitul muslim yang sentiasa diredhai-Nya. Sorry tak ada gambar. Camera tertinggal =p

Nota kaki: Disebabkan kelajuan dan signal dan availability of internet yang sangat “thorbaik”, saya terpaksa compile a few posts and post them together bila encik internet sayang saya lebih sikit. Harap maklum, harap maaf.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I can fly!

Salam 'alaikum. Salam for all.

Everything in heaven and on earth belongs to Him

Who'd disagree with that?
And if you agree, you would also agree that all of our lives belongs to Him, depend on Him. Right?
Then you would agree, catching a flight and reaching your destination safely, and a successful holiday trip does not depend on how well you hop from terminal to terminal to catch a flight. Nor does it depend on how well you plan out your trip.
It all depends on Him. If He wills, it happens.
You can have the best of plans, yet still end up being stuck at the airport, missing your flights.
So my friends, let's all pray, and continue to pray, that He'll help us all the way through our little trip, and all the way through our lives.

Have a wonderful summer break. And a fun time clearing your mind for next year's backflips and sommersaults. =)

Say: “Travel through the earth and see what was the end of those before (you): Most of them worshipped others besides Allah.”

ps: Let's conquer Rome! Roma baby!

footnote: Let's start our journey with a Bismillah, re-set our intention and keep our hearts down low. And hope that He will accept our little trip as ibadah. Pray for us too. =)

The End.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Summer attachment - First Year

Salam 'alaikum. Salam for all.

How's all your insides doing? Fine I hope.
Just finished my practical. Half of it anyway.
Have to finish the other half in Malaysia.

Let me share a few tips for the practical, for those who haven't done it yet.
This come in late as i have to experience it before i can write on it.
But of course, this only work if you're doing it in a foreign country where you don't speak the language. *wink2*

1. Come early on the first day. Only.
2. Don't be afraid to ask to go for a break. Trust me, they love it when you're gone.
3. Make sure you tell them you won't understand anything they say. That way, they won't bully you too much.
4. When they say something, nod and look smart. Even if you don't get a word they're saying.
5. Read up on some practical things like how to take blood pressure manually, because they usually assume you know it and don't teach you if you don't ask.
6. If you do ask them for guide, well, don't bother to ask. You won't understand anyway.
7. Be honest. If you don't know or can't do something, tell them. It's lives you're dealing with.

1. Don't just sit and look bored. They'll give you more work. Trust me, it's no fun.
2. Never put your off your plan for another few minutes. If you have plans, eg to leave early or to sneak out, act on it immediately. Because they can receive your brainwave through telepathy and find you to give you more work so your plan won't succeed. Plus, you're going to be a doctor. You need to plan fast, and work your plan.
3. Don't be bothered by the yip-yapping of the patients. First of all, you don't understand a word they're saying. Second, they'll just end up not doing what you tell them to. Most probably because they don't trust you.
4. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. This is the time to make it all. Mistakes are part of a learning process. Sure, they might get angry at you, but why bother. You wouldn't understand anyway. Just make sure you don't cause irreversible damage to the patient's brain, heart, liver or any other organs for that matter.

Easy enough isn't it? Good luck then!

Learn, and keep on learning. It will be worth it in the end.

ps: Bye-bye Warszawa. Hello Roma!
