Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hadiah 22

Salam 'alaikum. Salam for all.

The teacher said: "Come on, come on. You have to think faster than this patient with encephalopathy".  -__-"

Rabbi yassir wa la tu'assir :)

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Hadiah 21

Salam'alaikum. Salam for all.

If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too

- Rudyard Kipling - If

Just do it. What ever it is.

Even if it's just what you want to believe is right.

Others, they're just waiting.

Waiting for you to fall.

Hoping for you to fall.

So that they can clap their hands and look at you with faces that say "told ya".

What should you do then?

Get up and keep trying. Until one day you can look back at them with a face that says "back at ya".

Give yourself the benefit of the doubt.

That benefit of the doubt.

Even when all else fail.

Forthwith he (starts) constructing the Ark: Every time that the chiefs of his people passed by him, they threw ridicule on him. He said: “If ye ridicule us now, we (in our turn) can look down on you with ridicule likewise!

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hadiah 20

Salam 'alaikum. Salam for all.

The excitement of seeing the so-called Super Moon.
Nature has never failed to amaze the eyes.

As far as my 18-55mm allows.
Experimenting with different exposure. Different exposures, different results.
Just as how we view the world; different perspectives, different outcomes. Fair enough.

"Our Lord! not for naught Hast Thou created (all) this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire." [Ali-'Imran 3 : 191]

Life breaks us all but in the end we are stronger in the broken places.
- Earnest Hemingway

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hadiah 19

Salam 'alaikum. Salam for all.

I've seen this video a few times before. Or maybe more.
But I've never really understood what he's trying to convey.
But last night, suddenly, it started to sink in.
Maybe. I think so. I hope so.

"You're a coward House. You find faults in everybody because you are afraid to look at yourself", says Wilson.

The real fault is to have faults and not to amend them
- Confucius

Hadiah 18

Salam 'alaikum. Salam buat semua.

Surely We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they refused to be unfaithful to it and feared from it, and man has turned unfaithful to it; surely he is unjust, ignorant. [al-Ahzab 33:72]

Sangat kecil lah kan, kalau nak dibandingkan gunung itu dengan manusia. Kalaulah, adat bercakap, gunung terima amanat tu... Hoho.
Manusia ingkar sikit, kena baling batu besar, avalanche bagai. 

 The Day that the sky will be like molten brass, and the mountains will be like wool, [al-Ma'arij 70:8-9]

ps: *Banyangan gunung jadi dendelion. Manusia jadi apa?? Gulp*

Friday, May 11, 2012

Ready, set, GO!

Salam 'alaikum. Salam buat semua.

You know what people say, look forward and never turn back.
Well, I don't know how far that's valid in the real life.

Kadang-kadang, ada masanya, kita perlu berhenti sejenak dan toleh ke belakang.
Menoleh, bukan untuk meratapi, bukan untuk menangisi. Bukan juga untuk mengembalikan harapan-harapan yang pernah suatu ketika kita harapkan.

Life is a race. A rat race.
Turning us all into lab rats. Experimenting on human reaction is one thing.
But experimenting on another being's emotion?
Kadang-kadang dalam perlumbaan dunia yang tak berkesudahan ini, kita rasa kita perlu "catch a breath".
Berhenti sebentar, toleh ke belakang.
Melihat sejauh mana telah kita tinggalkan apa yang kita tinggalkan.

Kita sedar apa yang kita tuju itu lebih indah. Sungguh indah. Cukup indah.
Tetapi ada masanya kita terasa seperti melihat keindahan apa yang ada di belakang kita mampu membantu kita.
Menjadi "pushing factor", kata kita.
Mengapa? Mengapa perlu toleh ke belakang, kalau apa yang ada di depan lebih indah? Cukup indah untuk kita melangkah ke depan, dan bukan ke belakang.
I don't know. People just resist changes.
I guess it's just easier.
Tak perlu deal with the insecurities. Tak perlu deal with the new zone.
Status quo. Why bother.

That is our destination. See the waterfall? Nahh, guess you can't see it in this photo. A real beauty though.

What we have to go through to get there.
It's a wonder how manusia sanggup melalui pelbagai kesusahan demi mendapatkan apa yang boleh di consider sebagai "gambaran syurga" (of course by no mean dapat menandingi or even close to syurga sebenar ^^), tapi tak sanggup bersabar dengan sedikit kesusahan untuk mendapatkan syurga sebenar. Hurm.

And this is what we see when we looked back.
Cantik sebenarnya. Eheh. (do forgive the photographer)

And people are capable of learning from mistakes.
Maybe that's why they look back.
Maybe that's why they make mistakes in the first place.
Because they are capable of it.
And they too, are capable of forgiving their own mistakes. As well as others'.
I guess.

If jannah is your dream, hold tight to your deen.
- Brotherhood Arts

Hadiah 17

Salam 'alaikum. Salam buat semua.

Sekiranya kami turunkan al-Qur'an ini kepada sebuah gunung, pasti kamu akan melihatnya tunduk terpecah belah disebabkan takut kepada Allah. Dan perumpamaan-perumpamaan itu Kami buat untuk manusia agar mereka berfikir. [al-Hasyr 59:21]

ps: Hoho. Obsesi gunung -__-"

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Hadiah 16

Salam 'alaikum. Salam buat semua.

Dan tidakkah mereka memerhatikan bahawa Allah yang melapangkan rezeki bagi siapa yang Dia kehendaki dan Dia yang membatasi. Sungguh, pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda bagi kaum beriman. [ar-Rum 30:37]

Tanah yang sama, nutrisi yang sama, air yang sama, matahari yang sama, yet....
Dan kita hanya ditugaskan untuk berusaha dan terus berusaha.
Dan masanya akan tiba.
Krakow 2012. Inspired by APG post.

ps: Memandangkan saya perasan sibuk sekarang, maka saya akan cuba untuk rajin menambah isi blog ini dengan menganggap bahawa ia berfungsi seperti Encik Tumblr walaupun pada hakikatnya itu hanyalah alasan manusia semata-mata. Oh.
ps2: Saya baru berkesempatan untuk tengok semula gambar-gambar yang saya ambil lebih seminggu lalu, dan agak berkerut dahi melihat terlalu banyak gambar yang overexposed. Sama ada saya yang messed up, atau light meter Encik Ahmad yang messed up. Tetapi memandangkan menyalahkan orang lain itu adalah perkara yang sangat membahagiakan (not necessarily right), I blame you, Encik Ahmad's light meter! Ohho.
ps3: Exam mode on. zzzzzZZZZ