Monday, May 10, 2010

Hikayat Seorang Pahlawan

Salam 'alaikum. Salam buat semua.

Ehem. Is the mic on?
Testing2. 1..2..3.. Ok.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I have a tale to be told. About the life of an unfortunate little creature. I don't really know his name though. But let's call him Arm-ri.

You see, Arm-ri used to be a very happy creature. Arm-ri used to wear clothes made up of very fine fibers. They were branded too. I must say, Arm-ri is VERY metrosexual. Sometimes, when Arm-ri did too much work, he got fat. But it didn't matter to him, as he said fat makes him look gorgeous. Whatever.

His clothes are mainly from designer's labels like Deltoid, Spinatus, Teres, The Bi&Tri Cepss, and all those Brachialis family. He didn't like Teres Major much though. He said they make him look big-headed. Ya rite.
He was a model. I guess that's where most of his money came from. You know, the famous modelling company, Brachial Plexus n Co. , mainly the MC branch, which hired him for his powerful, charming smile (musculocutaneous which supply the anterior-flexors), and Rad branch, which hired him for his jet-black, cool hair (i suppose you can guess this one already?). The Med & Ul wouldn't hire him. They said he's "too-high-for-maintenance-type-of-guy".

His changing room, which was totally his, was fully paid by the company too. The middle door was paid by Mr. MBC channel of the middle office, back door was partly covered by Mr. CB from R channel of back office, and his side doors and part of the back one were paid by Ms. LBC, also of the back office. (medial skin - medial brachial cutaneous of medial cord, posterior-inferior - cutaneous branch of radial nerve - posterior cord, posterior superior+lateral - lateral brachial cutaneous - posterior cord -_-")
But seriously, i don't believe that was his only source of income, since he had to provide for his 2 girlfriends, Deep and Superficial (veins).
I think he had an affair with some other models. Like Mrs Brachial Art, daughter of the great Axillary Art, who had 2 kids, Radial and Ulnar Art. Both Radial and Ulnar Art were born in The Collateral Art Hospital. I guess they're kinda rich. No surprise.

Then, what's so unfortunate about this little creature? He'd got all he needed, right?
Well, Mr Arm-ri here has got health problem, you see. He's got tendinitis from all his sports, like baseball and cricket. He was a national player for tennis too!

Whenever he gets into an accident, his employer would stop funding him for months! Like the time. Like the time he had surgery on his neck, the AxN went bankrupt and could no longer pay for his salary, which is why he left them. When he had it on his body, the Rad was the one affected. At his leg it was the Med&Ul. He always had medical complication. Poor him!

Well, i guess that's all i can tell you. I wish you well.

Kau lah sahabat, kau lah teman, wahai encik Netter!

To study medicine without books is to sail an uncharted sea, while to study books without patients is not to go to sea at all.

nota kaki: maaf atas kemengarutan-di-pagi-hari-esok-ada-credit-sekarang-tak-boleh-tidur-saya-dah-mabok-kejap-lagi-ada-histo-petang-ada-medical-info-yang-tak-berapa-nak-best-anatomy-upper-limb-banyak-sangat-muscle-tahap-keconfusean-yang-melampau-oh-apa-diorang-nak-tanya-masa-credit-esok-goodluck-semua mood.



saye kerink said...

Salam. Wahh dah tuka layout la. haha..

Mule mule bace entry.. umm okay cerita ney pelik siket. thenn ouhhh okay baru faham.. sis nak buat satu cerita pasal arm-ri.. arm-right ke? haha pape je.

haaa dari situ la dtg nye segale syarikat yg sponsore blablabla tuh kan. hahaha. ade credit? gdluck gdluck!! ;]

LightOfWitness said...

haha. pandai nyeee.
aa. tak btl jap pagi. huhu.
sekarang belajar upper limb. tu yg pasal arm tu. haha

syarikat sponsor tu are the nerves supplying the arm. huhuhu

Thanx =)