Thursday, May 17, 2018

Challenge accepted #1

Salam. Hi.

“Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.” - Albus Dumbledore

we are just too quick to judge.
We have listened, we told ourselves, justifying.
We did give a chance for the other person to speak their hearts out.
But rarely do we listen to understand.
Often times we listen just enough for us to come out with a reply.
We listen just so we can, later on, justify our own views.
We listen just so we can, later on, use it as a weapon to counter attack.
And we end up not understanding a single thing being said.

we are just too quick to dismiss.
We have spoken, we told ourselves, justifying.
We did give a chance for the other person to understand us.
But rarely do we speak to reach out and explain.
Often times we speak just enough to convey our feelings.
We speak just so we can, later on, justify our own views.
We speak just so we can, later on, use it as a weapon to counter attack.
And they end up not understanding a single thing being said.

What, let us ask ourselves;
what was it that really caused Anakin Skywalker to become Darth Vader?
what was it thatreally  caused Tom Riddle to become Lord Voldemort?
Money? Power?
Or simply because they were being misunderstood, and was not given the chance to understand?

Seek first to understand, then be understood
- Stephen Covey

ps: Salam 1 Ramadhan :)

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