Friday, November 08, 2013

Modern world starvation; a paradox (?)

Salam 'alaikum. Salam for all.

Scene 1
A few months ago; surgery room.
On the operating table, a patient. Post-op. Gastrostomy tube placement.
Patient suffers from esophageal tumour, nasogastric tube cannot be placed.
Patient has been dependent on parenteral nutrition.

Surgeon: Do you know why we have to place the gastrostomy tube? Because living off glucose and electrolytes is not a way to live. We are in the 21st century, and no man should die of starvation.

Scene 2
A few hours ago; on the ward.
A very cachectic old lady (i personally have NEVER seen anyone so cachectic). First thought: probably cancer, late stage.

Doctor: The lady just now, no disease. She's been neglected.
Student: Is she dying?
Doctor: Yes, unfortunately.

Scene 3
Right now; somewhere on earth.
An old man in the alleyways of a modern city;
A shivering child under the rubble of a former home in Palestine;
A child with kwashiorkor, somewhere in Africa;
lying, waiting.

No help arrives.

*tiba-tiba lagu Bahasa Melayu. Sila abaikan video*

It is our own neglect, our own indifference that kills. Not starvation. Not lack of food supply.

Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike
- JKR -

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